Case Study:
PromoPlus SMS marketing platform
An all in one online SMS marketing platform for creating and managing SMS competitions, polls, surveys, text-a-request and bulk SMS promotions.

Business Challenge
The major challenge we wanted to solve with PromoPlus was the cost and time implications involved in setting up an running SMS based voting/polling campaigns in Zimbabwe. How could we make it affordable, easy to use and faster to set up?
Solution Overview
We created a cloud based platform complete with real-time analytics to allow live polls and view instant results. Focus was drawn towards simplicity for the best user experience while the platform handles complex functions behind the scenes. While using shortcodes is efficient and has been the norm, we included the use of a regular mobile number to make it cheaper for users of the platform to prefer to use a regular number. The result has been amazing with the solution being faster, more efficient and way cheaper than existing solutions.
Use case
Nestle Zimbabwe, Astra Paints