5 reasons your business needs an online presence – and actionable tips to help you get started

If you’re reading this then you’re definitely online. Guess who else is too? Consumers.
97% of people learn about a local company online than anywhere else. Do you realize what this evidence implies? Yes! Your sales will drastically shoot up if you go where all the customers are!
It’s astounding how the internet has transformed the way we do just about everything. From learning, entertainment and especially how we do business.
If your business hasn’t caught up to the buzz, then don’t fret. There are tons of others just like you.
The same can’t be said about your competitors, however. Chances are they’ve created a slick online presence that’s catching the attention of new customers along with those that would have naturally come to you for business. Apparently, 46% of all Google searches are seeking local information.
If these cold hard facts have you hooked then keep reading. If you’re already won over then keep reading too for actionable tips that’ll help you get started on your new business journey.
What taking your business online means.
Creating an online presence simply refers to the identity you create for your business on the internet. With social media being a major way to connect with a large pool of people at the same time, this also means all the accounts created to represent your business.
Some businesses prefer to only be found through their website and hence that’s their total business presence online. We’ll discuss more on that later.
But my type of business…
Inaccurate. All types of businesses can be online despite the fact that they have to be physical to operate. From bakeries, barbershops, retailers, gyms, play centers or even restaurants. These businesses limit themselves a great deal by not tapping into the massive potential of growth that comes with being online. This, of course, is enabled by “near me” or “close by’’ type searches that have grown by a staggering 900% in the past two years.
Without taking up more time, let’s get into the 5 reasons why your business needs an online service and actionable tips to help you get started.
1. Credibility
This survey by Weebly reflected that a whopping 56% of customers won’t buy from a company unless they have a website.
Having a social media presence where they can interact with you or simply observe how you’ve interacted with other customers helps. Reviews also reflect this, which is why they’ll buy because there’s a feeling of trust and knowing what to expect in their buyer’s journey.
The fact that you have control over how appealing your business will seem to your customers is power any business person needs to have.
2. Effortless Marketing
If you were starting to worry about not being tech-savvy then breathe a bit.
The internet comes with a plethora of marketing tools that will not only make your life easier but will smoothen your sales process too. Most social media platforms come with a variety of useful tools made specifically for a business like yours.
Make the most of them now because it’s only a few that you have to pay to use. Take Facebook business for instance. It’ll allow you to manage more than one page and you’ll only have to pay when you need to promote certain videos, products or even get more likes on your page.
Facebooks’ algorithm collects and connects customer behavior to decide which people would be most interested in your product or service. All you have to do is promote and watch as the magic happens.
This is a huge shift from traditional marketing where you have to be hands-on throughout all the marketing procedures. You’ll also find this to be far more cost-effective so you won’t have to spend too much on your marketing efforts.
3. A new pool of clients
Your competitors aren’t doing better than you because they are taking your clients. They are doing better because they are getting new clients. Being online presents your business with clients that you’d have never reached offline.
Take for instance that Facebook example we went through above. Facebook alone not only connects you to new clients but connects you to other people that match your new clients’ purchase behavior and preferences. That’s double the traffic and double the sales!
4. High-quality communication and customer care
At the click of a button, you can notify your clients of a new product, new promotion or even a special announcement. No need to hire dozens of salespeople that spread the word and interrupt your clients as they are viewing products in your shop (this was voted as annoying, by the way).
You can even go a step further by including your customers in the development of a new product by sharing with them recipes or introducing the people that make all their favorite flavors. This builds a relationship with consumers and before you know it, you’re well on your way to becoming a household brand name.
But that’s not all! Being online gives you the power to truly connect with your clients through reading and responding to their feedback as they give it. In your next stock, you’ll be sure to adjust quantities as they like and make them feel cherished. Any nasty feedback can also be easily dealt with immediately without losing the customer.
5. Accessibility, therefore, more money!
The internet doesn’t sleep nor does it close after business hours. A business online presence means you can literally make money whilst you sleep. Isn’t that the dream?
When people can easily find you their buyer journey is easier and rewarding for your pocket!
If you think about it, its almost like having a 24hour virtual showroom that focuses on your products and services. Customers won’t have to physically come to your store to see what it looks like because you’ve already put up a representation of it online.
By the time you wake up, you’re merely doing deliveries opposed to waiting in your store blindly for people that might never show up.
Gold Nuggets Section
So what do you need?
To get started you need a pretty basic starter-pack.
- A website
- Social media profiles (A website is enough but social media is thoroughly personal and comes with neat features that make all the difference.)
- A local SEO service which is essential for business visibility in your geographical location
- Traditional SEO for your site’s visibility on a national and global scale
We’d love to help you out as your business transitions. We understand that it can all be overwhelming but we’re here to make sure the process is smooth and effective enough to give you results just after starting. What problems is your business facing? What’s the next step for your business? We’re waiting to hear all about it!
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